Travel healthcare provides a great balance between work and leisure. Hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and non-medical facilities rely on travel healthcare professionals like travel MRI Technologists and more to fill staffing gaps due to seasonality, extended absences, or training.

Travel nurses and other healthcare professionals perform the same duties as local workers but are temporary, meaning they do not live permanently in the location where they work in most cases. The required training and skill set are not significantly impacted by geographical location. As a travel healthcare professional, your job is always based on a contract lasting three or more months. During your employment, you'll typically receive compensation that includes the following:

  • Weekly Salary
  • Weekly non-taxed stipend.

The contract offers vary in terms of perks and compensation. When picking travel destinations, consider the purchasing power of your money and the impact of location and season on your decision.

Experience requirements vary by state or facility, but new travelers should aim for 1-2 years of clinical experience in their chosen specialty. More experience makes it easier to adapt to new facilities and opens up more opportunities and travel destinations.

The duration required for processing applications, obtaining mandatory compliance documentation, and confirming a travel assignment may vary based on the state and facility involved. Typically, this process spans 3 to 4 weeks, contingent upon the candidate's adherence to all compliance requirements, successful completion of background checks and drug screening, and participation in any necessary training sessions. The action of expressing interest in a position and commencing the assignment are distinct endeavors. Time constraints often hinge on your specific needs and preferences for your subsequent assignment. Your recruiter is equipped to guide you through this process and facilitate the identification of suitable assignments that align with your desired timeframe.

Numerous options are available for determining your accommodations during your travel assignment. Your agency can assist in finding housing for you, and some assignments may provide housing options. Alternatively, you can search for your own housing. We always recommend finding your own housing, as this enables you to keep tax-free money in your pocket. Travelers may choose extended-stay hotels or RVs for their work assignments. It's important to find housing that fits your needs and lifestyle, which may take time to determine.

  • High weekly compensation rate
  • Vacation time between each travel position
  • Health, vision and dental insurance
  • Travel stipend
  • Weekly housing and food stipend
  • Travel Compensation
  • License & Certification Reimbursement
  • Long lasting relationship
  • 24/7 OAS candidate support.
Address: 2001 Lincoln Drive Ste D Marlton, NJ 08053
Fax: (609)-917-7626